Highly-qualified “Genius Broker’s” company has been providing a wide range of customs, logistic and consulting services since 2012.
Our company is professionally engaged in customs clearance, foreign trade and international transportation of cargoes and provides consultations on all issues related to customs legislation.
Our team of long-term experience specialists will provide you with competent and efficient service at each stage of order execution.
Core business:
- Customs broker providing a comprehensive range of services related to customs clearance of your cargoes in various regions of RUz;
- Freight forwarding company ensuring prompt international delivery of both standard and over-sized heavy-weight cargoes.
- Outsourcing company engaged in foreign economic activities specialized in implementation and monitoring of all necessary processes related to payment, delivery and customs clearance of your cargoes.
Advantages of cooperation with us:
- Delivery and clearance of cargoes in the shortest time possible
- Integration of innovative technologies improving the service level for our clients
- Development of complex solution of all logistic issues
- Professional management ensuring high quality of services provided
- Guaranteed mitigation of all risks related to customs clearance and declaring of goods of different purposes
- Client-oriented and individual approach to each order
- Long-term experience of operation with various state authorities engaged in foreign economic activities
- Highly-qualified team that successfully cope with tasks of any complexity
Our company has been providing services to “NP ESAN” LLC (Omicron electronics GmbH), “Uzelektroapparat-Elektroshit” JSC JV, “ONIKS TASHKENT” LLC, “AGROMASH SANOAT INVEST” LLC, “Toshkent Qishloq Xo'jaligi Texnikasi Zavodi” JSC, “ORIENT-MEBEL” LLC JV, “HIBLAKK PRINTEX” PE, “LANCASTER GROUP” PE, “SPETSPOLIMERMONTAJSANATSIYA” LLC, “MARKOM QURILISH TEXNIKASI” LLC, “Khorazm Shakar” JSC JV, and many more.